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Europe Travels

Eternal Rome

Have you ever found a views that you can watch for hours and you are never tired of? The Eternal City could transport you directly back to the history behind the monuments, between the streets.

I came to Rome more than a couple of times, and every single time I can’t help but falling in love even more with this city. This is one of the most outstanding places you could ever go to, with its gorgeous ancient buildings, to the magnificent colosseum. Everything is magical about this city, and any city is amazing at night, not even Paris maybe, and you know how much I love Paris. I hope you will come here very soon, because trust me, pictures doesn’t give this city justice.

What to see and do:

Climb up St Peter’s Basilica Dome and you will have all the eternal city at your feet. If you go up during the daylight hours you will have the interior lights plus sunlight and the atmosphere will be quite unreal.

Trastevere, As far as I concern this is the best neighborhood in Rome. Fullfilled with vintage stores and cute restaurants, here it you feel like you are in another world. You could spend hours wandering around without getting tired. In the evening, find you favourite restaurant and  have dinner here, you won’t be disappointed.

Fontana di Trevi, I know, pretty touristy right? But this place is so magical and I can stop myself from writing about it. It was recently restored, so now it’s white as snow, and the contrast it makes with the water is awesome. And don’t forget to make a wish by throwing a coin in the fountain.

Villa borghese, this place is soooo calming. You will constantly find statues, but the best part is the little lake where you can get a boat and having the time of your life there. You won’t be disappointed. And don’t forget to check the views from “Terrazza del Pincio”.

Rione monti, you probably know how much I adore finding beautiful doors (and snap them)… I can say that in this district you can find my favourite ones (check out the picture scrolling down), in summer these two doors are covered by a waterfall of green leafs that make the doors even more pretty.

Villa Pamphili, besides the amazing villa, the gardens around it are so gorgeous. Awesome place to spend an entire afternoon by doing completely nothing.

Don’t miss the sunset from the bridge of Castel San’t Angelo overlooking the St Peter’s Basilica Dome. This is something I will never forget..

Where to eat:

Grazia & Graziella, to taste the best Cacio & pepe (pasta with cheese and pepper), typical of Rome.

Caffè Propaganda, near the Colosseum, this black and white bistrot is probably one of the most elegant ones in the city. They have a great selection of teas and tasty macarons.

Ladurée Salon de The, this is the first (and the only one in Italy until now) Salon de the of Laduree opened in Italy, go there to taste the best french patisserie in the hearth of Italy.

Coromandel, if you wander in & between the little streets in the city center and your are searching for the perfect spot where to brunch you might find this cute café. Besides being pretty, their waffles and pancakes are A-W-E-S-O-M-E.

Tiramisù da Pompi, while I was strolling around the city with Moeko (check her blog here she took me there and when I ate their tiramisù (that you can try in so many flavours) I felt like I couldn’t stop myself from having more and more. There  are many spots where you can try it, so find the perfect one for you.

Ristorante Angelina, on Sunday you can have a super brunch here before strolling for the rest of the day around Rome.

(Scroll down for the Italian version)




Avete mai trovato quella vista che guardereste per ore senza mai stancarvi? La città eterna vi trasporterà indietro nel tempo tra i suoi monumenti e le sue strade.

Sono stato a Roma più volte, ma ognuna è così unica e non riesco a smettere di innamorarmi di questa città. E’ davvero uno dei posti più incredibili che si possano visitare sulla terra: con i suoi fantastici edifici che rivestono ancora tutta la storia che c’è dietro, e ovviamente il magnifico Colosseo.

Spero davvero che la visitiate al più presto (o magari di nuovo se ci siete già stati), perchè credo che delle semplici foto non rendano la sensazione di vivere davvero questa città.

Cosa fare e vedere:

Salite sulla cupola di San Pietro per ammirare la città eterna dall’altro, qualcosa che credo non dimenticherete facilmente. Se salite durante il giorno vedrete la luce  esterna filtrata dalle finestre che renderà l’atmosfera davvero surreale.

Trastevere, è il mio quartiere preferito. Negozi vintage e i ristorantini vi faranno vivere in un altro mondo. Potreste passare interi pomeriggi a girovagare tra una stradina e l’altra senza mai stancarvi. E alla sera… cercate il vostro ristorante preferito (ce ne sono davvero tantissimi) e concedetevi una cenetta romantica, sono sicuro che ne resterete entusiasti.

Fontana di Trevi, Anche se forse troppo turistica (magari visitatela al mattino presto per godervi l’atmosfera di calma) non posso non inserirla tra le mie cose preferite. E’ stata recentemente restaurata, ed è tornata a splendere di nuovo e il contrasto con l’azzurro dell’acqua la rende ancora più caratteristica. E non dimenticatevi di And don’t forget to make a wish by throwing a coin in the fountain.

Villa borghese, nello scappare dal caos cittadino rifugiatevi qui. Troverete qua e là statue, una vista incredibile su Roma (Terrazza del Pincio), un antico orologio ad acqua, ma la parte migliore sarà noleggiare una barchetta nel laghetto con qualche amico.

Rione monti, saprete probabilmente quanto mi piace cercare ovunque le casette caratteristiche, e sopratutto i loro portoni (e fotografarli, immaginando come se ognuna potesse essere mia) e posso dire che in questo quartiere trovate i miei preferiti, durante l’estate sono completamente incorniciate da una cascata di foglie verdissime che le rendono ancora più belle.

Villa Pamphili, oltre alla bellissima villa troverete anche un parco dove potervi rilassare o passare un intero pomeriggio esplorando i giardini.

Non dimenticate di vedere il tramonto dal ponte di Castel San’t Angelo guardando la Basilica di San Pietro. E’ stato uno dei momenti più magici di sempre, davvero mozzafiato..

Dove mangiare:

Caffè Propaganda, se siete vicino al Colosseo concedetevi una pausa qui, vi assicuro che non vi deluderà! È probabilmente il bistrot più elegante della capitale.

Ladurée Salon de The, è il primo “Salon de the” di Ladurée  aperto in Italia, anche se non tipico del luogo ai macarons non si resiste mai, non è vero?

Coromandel, lo troverete girovagando per le stradine di Roma, ed è anche questo a renderlo così tipico, oltre all’arredamento interno. Provate i pancankes sono giganti e deliziosi.

Tiramisù da Pompi, mentre Moeko (date un’occhiata al suo blog qui mi faceva da guida turistica mi ha anche portato a mangiare il tiramisù da Pompi. Non troverete solo il classico ma ce ne sono di tantissimi tipi e gusti, ero davvero indeciso su quale scegliere ma alla fine ha vinto quello alla fragola.
Ristorante Angelina, di domenica concedetevi una piacevole sosta per il brunch prima di una bella passeggiata romana.

Grazia & Graziella, a Trastevere per provare gli spaghetti cacio e pepe tipici di Roma.

Europe Travels

King’s Landing or Dubrovnik?

I’ve have to be honest, when I was thinking about my next trip, I never took Croatia into consideration. Even if Croatia is a state close to my home country, well known for its wonderful and breathtaking landscapes, for some stupid reason I never though it deserved my attention. Thanks God this year I changed my mind and finally decided to give this country a shot, and trust me guys, that was one of the best decision I ever made. Since we went there by car, we obviously decided to visit multiple places, so in this guide and in the next one I’m going to talk about every single stop we made.
The first stop was Dubrovnik. After traveling for 13 hours, we finally reached the first city listed in our trip plan. I won’t lie, it wasn’t easy driving for all those hours, but it was definitely worth it.
With its very unique city center, Dubrovnik in 1979 joined the UNESCO list of World Heritage Sites. Obviously the city most likely lives around tourism, which can be a little bit annoying since everyday the center was fulfilled by tourist that made our stay less enjoyable, but hey, we’re tourist too, so no big deal. The city center, called “Old Town”, is surrounded by some massive walls, which were needed in the past to protect the city from assaults. As soon as you walk across the walls in order to enter into the heart of the town, you feel like you were catapulted into another dimension, or maybe into the Game of Thrones set, if you know what I mean.

What to see and do:
Obviously you must get lost among all the cute little streets and alleys that cross the Stradun, the major street  in the Old Town. That was the first thing we’ve done, so we could get a better perspective of what Dubrovnik offers. We could’ve easily spend every day of our stay just wandering around aimlessly.

Taking a walk on the Walls of Dubrovnik was something we really enjoyed, besides the hot weather obviously. It took us almost 2 hours to do the entire walk! While I was walking it was impossible not to think about all the soldiers that in the past put their feet exactly were I was standing. If you want to go there be sure to plan your visit in the early morning or at sunset.

Seeing the Dubrovnik’s panorama at sunset is something I will never forget. We had to took a kinda expensive cable car in order to reach the perfect spot to enjoy the view, but it was definitely worth it.

The trip to Lokrum island was definitely one of the highlights of our trip. By taking a boat from the Dubrovnik’s harbour, after just 15 minutes you can reach this amazing island. Sadly we weren’t able to see all the things the island offered, but we managed to jump off a cliff right into the bluest sea I ever seen. Oh and by the way, if you are a Game of Thrones fan, you should now that here you can find the exactly replica of the Iron Throne. Amazing right?

Even if it’s not exactly in Dubrovnik, the Trsteno Arboretum is something you must see if you’re there. It’s very close to the city, located in the town of Trsteno, which is a district of Dubrovnik. It’s the oldest arboretum in the world. And again, obviously you will have major Game of Thrones vibes there.

Where to eat:
Above 5, to enjoy your breakfast with a superb rooftop view of the Old Town, something I will never forget.
Barba, if you want to have a quick snack or a quick dinner of fresh fish, there are also some delicious fish burgers you can’t miss.
Stara Loza, behind the crowded Stradun, if you explore the alleys you’ll probably notice this restaurant.

Where hang out:

Reveline Culture Club, this unique club is probably one of the most authentic spot I’ve ever seen, located literally inside in Old Town Walls it’s a museum during the day and a club in the night.






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